If you have the Pricing Manager add-on installed, you can use the following code snippet to select different Details page templates for each price package.
function _custom_details_page_id( $page_id, $post_type ) {
global $gd_post;
if ( ! empty( $gd_post ) && ! empty( $gd_post->package_id ) ) {
$package_id = $gd_post->package_id;
if ( $package_id == 1 ) { // Package ID
$page_id = 3; // Details page ID
} elseif ( $package_id == 2 ) {
$page_id = 4;
return $page_id;
add_filter( 'geodir_details_page_id', '_custom_details_page_id', 10, 2 );
To Add PHP Code Snippets to Listimia please follow this guide: https://addicted2web.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013897360
To adjust this to your site you will need two pieces of information:
1. The ID of the package : To find this go to CPT -> Settings -> Packages (tab). See the screenshot below.
2. The ID of the page : To find this, edit the page, then get the Page ID on the address bar. See the screenshot below.