Addicted2Web Team

  • Total activity 157
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Recent activity by Addicted2Web Team Recent activity Votes
  • Getting started

    Thanks!! First of all THANK YOU for purchasing our WordPress Theme.The scope of this documentation file is to provide you with the information you need to help you get started with your new theme. ...

  • Theme update instructions

    You can update Listimia (Wordpress) to its latest version through FTP. First of all make a backup of the current theme. Unzip the zip archive you downloaded on your computer. Unzip the "listimia.z...

  • Add search modal to menu

      It's easy, in your dashboard just go to  Appearance -> Menu , then select the menu you want to edit There is a tab for Custom Links on the sidebar just click it and add the custom link.  Make sur...

  • Listings cards layout example

    The Archive Item page template is a WordPress page that controls what shows up in the ‘mini listings’ shown throughout the site.. The contents of the page are the GeoDirectory Elements that are use...

  • Different Details page per price package

    If you have the Pricing Manager add-on installed, you can use the following code snippet to select different Details page templates for each price package. function _custom_details_page_id( $page_i...

  • Setting up home page

    Step 1: Prepare the page: Navigate to: Pages → Add New Enter the title for this page: Homepage or Home or whatever you want. The homepage hero title and subtitle are formed from the page content...

  • Add PHP Code Snippets

     There are two general approaches you can take to adding a PHP code snippet to WordPress: Directly to your theme – you can place the code snippet directly in a file called functions.php in a child...

  • Add custom css

    Sometimes you may find yourself needing to add Custom CSS in your WordPress site. Method 1: Adding WordPress Custom CSS Using Child Theme All you need is to add your css code to listimia-child/styl...

  • Change logo size

    By default, logo in Listimia have their width and height restricted. You can make your logo smaller or larger with the following steps: Visit the Customizer (Appearance → Customize) Click on the A...

  • Adding icons to menu items

    You can easily add icons to your menu items. Simply add the FontAwsome HTML code in the Navigation Label field of your menu item. Example Code: <i class="fas fa-search"></i>  You can find a list o...